If you know me for real - as opposed to being someone who has just stumbled on these ramblings - you know I have an adorable 7 month-old puppy named Rocky. See how adorable he is? Seriously, cutest puppy ever.
And I'm pissed at him right now, because he's a buttface!
See, Rocky has this thing about chewing. If it fits in his mouth, he chews on it. He is pretty certain that this is the way the world works, and in spite of having great toys for chewing, he still forgets that some things are not his, and he chews. And so it was with my sneakers.
Now, I didn't think the damage he did to my sneakers was too awful. Some bite marks on the sole of one, and torn fabric on the heel of the other. Meh, whatever, they're shoes and I don't care if they look raggedy. I packed up my gym bag, tied up my shoes, and off I went.
I did my bellydance warmup, which got me all stretched out and limber. The MS training plan called for two hours on the bike today, and my trainer wanted me to break that up into two sessions - ride for an hour, lift, ride for another hour. I rode for an hour, amusing myself with music and reading G+, then nabbed my trainer and headed for the weights. Since I'm looking to increase my stamina, Jay suggested we start with leg presses - 15 reps at 70 pounds.
...and that's where I found out that it wasn't just torn fabric on the back of that shoe. The heel cup is damaged, too. I learned this when I started my first press, and my foot popped right out of my shoe!
Dammit, Rocky!
I did learn that I can actually safely back 70 pounds down with only one leg! Go me!
Unsafe shoes are not allowed, so Jay sent me packing. No, don't get back on the bike, he said. Can't be on the floor with a janked up shoe. *sigh* So off I went, workout cut short.
Kinda short, anyway. It's a two mile walk from the gym to Target, where I had purchased my original sneakers. These, in fact! So I had a nice, brisk walk and found that they had one more pair in my size, clearanced out at $15! Sneakers, a new towel, and out the door I went to walk the mile back home.
I guess the workout wasn't a total wash. I did get in half an hour of warmups, an hour of riding, and a three mile walk - well, four if you count walking to the gym - but that's not doing diddly to get my actual ass conditioned for a long ride. The Vita Guru calls it "getting your saddle". I call it "getting my ass callouses", and that's the worst part of training!
I wonder if I could get ass callous implants? And Rocky still isn't safe from being eaten for dinner, the little shit.
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