It occurs to me that I've talked rather matter-of-factly about supplements and such - not in great detail yet, but at some point I intend to. And it occurs to me that such might not go over well with my readers. So let me make something shriekingly and abundantly clear:
I am not a supplementoholic, and I am not a supplement evangelist. This is not to say that I won't occasionally talk about things that I've had success with, but I am NOT going to claim that anyone is wrong or dumb or unhealthy or whatever if they are training for an event and choose not to supplement.
The Vita Guru and I go around about this all the time. He gleefully makes himself a human guinea pig, tries every damned thing a vendor will hand to him, and gets frustrated with me because I flat out ignore the vast majority of his suggestions. Yes, he's the expert on supplements, but I'm the expert on my body and my sensibilities, and I like to keep things pretty simple. Drives him mad, it does.
That said, a number of things work really well for me. Much as I dislike the taste of AminoVital, I certainly felt better after drinking it yesterday. And there was some glutamine in there, too, which had the effect of telling my angry muscles to shut up and chill out. I awoke in much less pain today than I would have if I had skipped that.
Performance enhancers and such? Nope. Not doing it. And if you're training for a distance event of any sort and you don't want to do it either? It's all good, bb. The key to staying motivated and on track is to do what works for you!
So, if I yabble about some supplement that I have tried, please don't take it as an exhortation to go get it for yourself. My purpose with my yabbling is to document what I'm doing and how I'm progressing. I'm just dragging y'all along for the ride!
Speaking of ride, I went outside again today and toured the neighborhood. A little bit longer today than yesterday, at about the same clip. And it felt so good!
There's a lady in our neighborhood...I'm afraid we have a really mean nickname for her. We call her Granny Cheeseburger, because she's so thin and emaciated that she really could stand to eat a cheeseburger or two. I suppose we could give her a different nickname, but it turns out that she's an ill-tempered old woman with an entitlement complex, so Granny Cheeseburger it is.
Granny Cheeseburger gets out and rides her bike three or four times a day. If you are out on your bike and pass her by in the opposite direction, rather than nod and smile as the rest of the neighborhood cyclists do, she glares and sneers. If you ride up alongside of her and say hello or ask how she's doing, she glares and sneers and HAAARRRRUMPHS because you dare to speak to her.
And so it was today when I took my afternoon ride. She was riding by just as I was turning out of my driveway. Oh, hey, sez I. Isn't it great that the weather has broken?
Have a nice ride!!
What a crab! I wonder if she wakes up that foul tempered?
The rest of the two-wheeled crowd was out today, and in far better spirits! I rode along with some neighbors I haven't seen all winter, and they were very encouraging of my goal.
Fine weather is probably the cure for many ills. I certainly feel fine and cheerful today. How about y'all?
--Missy, the Fat Bottomed Girl
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