I spent the weekend out of town, having a grand time, and walking about 8.4 bajillion miles. I have to say, I have never been so grateful to sit the hell down as I was at the end of the weekend. Which is not to say that I disdain walking - it tends to be my primary mode of transport - but I did a very lot of it in quite a short time. With weather as beautiful as it was, how could I resist being out and about, I ask you?
So, while I didn't do the official training plan, I was still very active and got a lot of walking and such in, and it was good.
I took Monday off, as I needed to sleep, and that's what the plan says to do anyway, and took it easy on Tuesday - a good ride around the neighborhood, some dancing and stretching, and some more walking.
Today, my body argued. My left knee is giving me all kinds of hell, swollen and kind of tender, and I'm all cramped up and stiff. I have to wonder which of the dogs beat me up in my sleep!
I have opted to be kind to myself today and just stretch in between bouts of work. It has been...unpleasant.
With luck, the swelling will have subsided by tomorrow. I need to get a good ride in before staying out all night with a bunch of teenagers for the midnight showing of The Hunger Games.
Wish me luck!
-- Missy, the Fat Bottomed Girl
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