Sunday, July 29, 2012


So I've been working on this Mad Anthony River Rally thing, right?

The VitaGuru forgot about it, and has to work on the 4th.

Well, Bubbazander and I have decided that we are going to suck it the hell up and do it anyway.

This will require getting up at OMGSTUPID and taking a total of 3 busses to Perrysburg (our busses have bike racks on the front!) BUT BUT BUT! I want my flying pancakes, my ride to Grand Rapids, and ice cream after the ride! Plus, I want to wear my Oberon jersey for the event I bought it for.

So, we're doing it. Yeah, I know, I haven't said much about training for it, but who's really interested in me riding around the neighborhood? The only wildlife I ever see is Granny Cheeseburger, and she's MEAN!

--Missy, the Fat Bottomed Girl

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ms Thang! you need a ride Saturday? Could always use the pickup truck and take you where you need to go! talk/text @ 419-450-1897 or email@
