Friday, April 13, 2012

It's The Blogging That's Killing Me

My darling readers!

I hope this finds you all happy and well, and relaxed after some Easter time?  Mind, I don't celebrate Easter - what with being a Heathen and all, Ôstara was back at the Equinox - but I do appreciate that my Christian friends have managed things such that my family gets a weekend together, away from work.  Thanks, y'all!

My family and I - and Elder Monster's adorable girlfriend, who at this point has been family for years! - spent Easter weekend in Chicago.  So, for three days, I did not ride my bike!  I did, however, walk and walk and walk and walk, so I don't feel too bad about this turn of events.  My legs need just as much stamina as my ass, after all, since they all need to work in concert to keep me upright and pedaling!  Anyway, it was good to have some family time, to spend some time soaking up culture and history and good food and some pretty nice weather.

I snagged an injury on Sunday evening - upon my return home, my puppy promptly broke my nose whilst greeting me.  He didn't smash it to bits, thankfully, "just" cracked it, but it puffed up and it hurts, and it probably will for a couple more weeks.

I have ridden every day but Monday and Thursday this week - Monday being a recovery day from travel and some much needed quiet time after getting hit in the face by Dogzilla, and Thursday because I just felt like taking the day off.

So, it's not the riding that's taking a toll.  It's figuring out how to WRITE about it!  Seriously, it's not terribly interesting for folks to hear "I rode my bike today, whoo!"  Is it?  Beats the hell out of me.  I suppose I need to ride in places other than just in my neighborhood, and I probably need to start taking some pictures of interesting things.  I certainly don't want to bore y'all!

Maybe I'll have some interesting things to say after going to the gym to lift tomorrow?

OK, it might all be swear words, but those can be interesting, right?

--Missy, the Fat Bottomed Girl

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